Pupil Management Board

Chair of Literacy Leaders
Pupil Management Board

Attendance Officer
Vice Chair of Literacy Leaders
Pupil Management Board

Attendance Officer
Chair of the Criw Cymraeg
Pupil Management Board
Vice-Chair of the Criw Cymraeg
Pupil Management Board
Chair of the Bronze Ambassadors
Pupil Management Board
Vice-Chair of the Bronze Ambassadors
Pupil Management Board
Chair of the Maths Marvels
Pupil Management Board
Vice-Chair of the Maths Marvels
Pupil Management Board

Chair of the Eco Committee
Pupil Management Board
Attendance Officer
Vice-Chair of the Eco Committee
Pupil Management Board
Chair of the Digital Champions
Pupil Management Board
Wellbeing Officer
Vice-chair of the Digital Champions
Pupil Management Board