Our School Council are elected by their class to represent their views.
Their job is to improve our school. The School Council gives pupils in the school a strong ‘voice’ in how the school is run. They meet regularly and they discuss things for improving the way the school works.
School Council shared all their ideas and then ranked them in order of what they felt was the most important to create a One Page Profile for the School.
What We Like and Admire about Llanmiloe School
- Safe school
- Happy welcoming school
- Strong family ethos- learning and growing together
- Healthy, Eco school
- Like to compete and try our best at all we do!
- Love to learn, be creative and adventurous
- Good working relationships- good communication between home, school and local community
- Neat, tidy and well organised school.
What is important to us at Llanmiloe School
- Having happy pupils, teachers and staff, parents and community members
- Being able to represent our school – having teams
- Wearing our school uniform and logo with pride
- Having healthy and delicious meals cooked by Miss Charlotte and Miss Patsy
- Being able to drink water when we need to
- Playtimes and fresh air
- Having trustworthy relationships
- Learning through a fun, exciting and interesting curriculum
- Having fun after school clubs like guitar and sport club.
What is important for Llanmiloe school to succeed
- Good teaching and learning – through a broad balanced curriculum and good role models
- Have enough money
- Good attendance and punctuality
- Strong internet connection and updated equipment
- Growth mindset
- Effective safeguarding
- Independent learning
- Welsh as a living language of the school
- Enough challenge and support for all who need it
- Good communication
- Regular good publicity and marketing
- Supporting families by providing breakfast club so mums and dads can get to work and not have to rush in the mornings and after school clubs to give experiences to pupils